Tips for a Successful Transition Into the New Semester

December 31, 2017. A day of reflection and excitement. 

Many of us will be heading back to school within a matter of hours. While I hope that the majority of us spent this break relaxing and recharging, I understand that teachers will continue to work through breaks regardless of what has been suggested to us. As we prepare our lesson plans for next week, I want to remind us to keep that students at the front of those plans. The second semester brings a multitude of tests for our kids, but that doesn't mean that we should let this "cloud" take over our time with them. 

I know that it's hard to get back into the swing of things, but here are a few ideas and tips to get those plans started! As I reflect on my time with my students, I have come up with four concepts that will help to make for a smooth transition into the new year. 

I think that I would be lying if I said that every part of me is excited to get back to school on Tuesday.  While I love my job and my students, I also enjoy little "break luxuries" such as reading all day and being able to go pee whenever I want. Our students are going to feel the same way, only slightly more sleepy. 

My advice to you is to greet students, and staff members, with excitement when you get back into the school building. It's no surprise that you have a better day when you are smiling and talking positively than when you spend your day complaining and groaning. Excitement and and positivity breeds more positivity! Even if you have to fake it for awhile until your coffee kicks in, believe me, it will start to spread. When students see that you are excited about learning, they will be excited about what you have to share with them. Remember, they are the reason that you do this job! Enjoy your time with them. 

Our students are going to come back to school different than they left us. For some, the holiday break is stressful and they welcome coming back to routine and security. For others, they may have had the chance to travel and are eager to share that with everyone. Regardless of what happened over the break, it is crucial that we enter into the new year with consistency and routine. While it may sound appealing to "ease" into the new semester, it will cause disorder and low expectations. One routine that I swear by is bellwork. Students have bellwork each day, not matter what is going on in the school day. In that past I have given a pop quiz on our classroom routines and procedures, but I will be changing it this semester. Instead of a paper quiz, I have created a Kahoot with many of the same questions. This will not only get students engaged, but it will also allow me to revisit our technology rules and procedures through modeling. 

How do we foster an intrinsic or internal motivation in our students? While I can't quite give you the answer to this one, because I don't think anyone has THE answer, I can give you some suggestions. I have found that internal motivation, while difficult to pinpoint, can be encouraged through relationship building. The better you know a student, the better you know how to meet their needs. Each human learns in a different way, and if you can figure out their "way" then you can better understand how to get them to want to learn it. Another key to intrinsic motivation is to have students set goals. I allow students to set both personal and academic goals. If you want this to work it is important that students set goals that are realistic and measurable. While goal setting can be a great back to school activity, it shouldn't be left there. Go back and visit these goals at the end of a two week or five week span to see what progress was made. Another way to get students to have intrinsic motivation is by bringing choice into the classroom. No, I am not saying that students should have to choose everything in their day, but I am saying that choice is powerful. Imagine this: your administration team explains that everyone will be part of a book club for the next semester. This is fine, right? I like to read. I don't really have time to read this book, but I guess I have to. I really hope that it's not on PBLs again.. I just came back from a great PD on this. I would like something more. Then your administrator lets you pick the book that you will be reading. I get to pick the book? That's cool. I have been wanting to read more about family engagement and now I get to do that with some of my colleagues! See? Choice is great. Students feel more connected when they get to chose things like how they show mastery or the order in which the agenda will run that day. 

2018 is almost here, and it will be gone before you know it. You only have a few more months with your current students. Make the most out of it! 

For the Love of Literacy

Flexibility. A term that each and every teacher must learn to become comfortable with.

When we decided to move back to Nashville last year I had quite a few things to consider. Where should I work? Do I want to continue at a high school or enter into a middle school? What grade level will I teach? It didn't take long for me to find and interview at a school on the west side of the city. Before I knew it, I was hired! I was excited, and a little nervous, when I found out that I would be teaching fifth grade ELA for the first time.

As the spring months went on, I didn't hear much from my new school. As a matter of fact, it wasn't until mid June when I got a message that made my stomach do a little twist. The principal that hired me would be moving on to work with another sector of the district. This was great news! What wasn't great news? The new master schedule that the team had created actually placed me in a social studies class.

Me? A social studies teacher? Flexibility, I remind myself.

Fast forward to December 1st. I am the seventh grade social studies teacher of a beautiful middle school in Nashville. I am teaching world history for the first time. I am learning so much, and I am growing tremendously each day. I don't know much about world history, but I have found that the easiest way for this thing to happen is through literacy and stories. My students sometimes complain that they have two English classes: ELA and social studies. To me, this is music to my ears! We are growing together each day and for many of us, we are exploring world history through a new lens. We read, we write, and we discuss. Everyday.

The ELA teacher walks up to me on a chilly afternoon as we watch our students run around and play basketball during physical activity time. He looks at me and says something like, "our students.. they grew. A lot. Like 187% growth from the fall to now." This is insane! How?! The answer is simple: we teach literacy. Without ever really planning together, we are both focusing on the skills that students need to be successful, regardless of the content area.

While I may have been scared at the beginning of the year, I am finding that this isn't much different. What you will find over the course of the rest of the school year are some new resources that I have been using in class. The first thing that I posted to my TPT store is a medieval Africa concept sort. I am still learning, but I hope that you find some use in the items that I am creating and sharing with my students. As always, if you have suggestions or requests, I would love to hear them!

Here's the newbie:

Why I Chose To Stay

How often in our lives do we actually take a step in faith and pursue the plan that our passions are pulling us toward?

At just twenty-six years old I have had the opportunity to act as a resident principal of a successful and complex PreK-8 school in Cleveland, Ohio for the course of an entire school year. I beat out over two hundred applicants and made it into a leadership cohort of just ten. During this time I have grown both personally and professionally. I have led professional development, coached teachers, made difficult decisions for an entire school building, and presented to important people across the city. People look at me in amazement when I shake their hand, stand tall, and mention that I am just twenty-six years old. (I may have accidentally lied to my staff about this one small detail.. sorry, y'all!) I have the opportunity to lead a school of my own in August, but I don't want to.

You see, I have taught students in grades six through nine in various cities. I have had the privilege of watching students surpass two reading levels in one year, stand up to people that didn't believe in their abilities, create change within a community, and quote Shakespeare. And though these may seem like little things to you, they are the exact reason why I want to go back into the classroom.

The decision to resume the role of a teacher was not an easy one for me to make. Well, I lied.. it was actually incredibly simply, but telling my family and friends took courage. It seems like people outside of the education world have a difficult time understanding the unique joy a teacher can feel. While some members were supportive, others could not understand why I would want to leave such a coveted role for lower pay and less respect. So I decided to come up with a few reasons why I would want to do such a crazy thing:

1. You can walk into work on the worst day ever and just the smallest interaction with a child in your classroom can turn that around. 
2. The role of a teacher is to facilitate learning for students, but you would be shocked at just how much you can learn from your students. 
3. Teaching is fun and exciting! In what other profession can you stand on chairs and have students debate whether or not someone committed a crime? (Think "To Kill a Mockingbird" and the Seriel podcast all rolled into one unit plan!)
4. There is no greater joy than seeing a student truly understand and master content. You can actually see it in their face. 
5. Kids are so funny! They keep me up to date on just about everything that I need to know in today's world and the evolution of our language.
6. Teaching allows you to live with purpose. I wake up every single day and I know that my life has meaning. 

So why am I going back into the classroom? I'm going back because I truly believe that every single child has a right to an excellent education, and I want to be on the front lines making that happen. Because I love teaching tiny people ways to navigate through this crazy world via both content and life lessons. I will unapologetically advocate for all students, regardless of zip code or race. I will fight for our students, and I will equip them with the necessary skills so that they can then advocate for themselves. I am taking my step in faith to pursue the role that God has created for me, and I'm not going to let a silly thing like salary get in my way.

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